Friday 17 March 2017

2017 Dordt College Intramural Hockey Preview


Dordt College is a sad place these days. The academic grind has regained full momentum. Stress has settled back in. The euphoria of fleeting freedom has faded. Spraaayyyng Braaaaaayyyyyk has done been Sprung Broke…

And yet, the winds of change are a blowin’. If you keep an ear to the ground and an eye on the sky, you will be able to sense something approaching. Something that captivates the collective conscience of dozens of us (dozens!) every year. You guessed it, the intramural floor hockey season is just around the corner!

So welcome to the 2017 Intramural Floor Hockey Season Preview, where we’re providing you, the reader, with all the essential knowledge needed to enjoy this season from top to bottom and A to Z, by literally covering all things hockey in alphabetical order. It will include, team introductions, inside scoops, and even some slang terminology to be used as you see fit. We have lots of ground to cover, so let’s get to it!

A is for Apple.
Classic. An apple is a delicious fruit but it is also a regrettable slang term for "assist." For example, if a cocky playmaker in a Junior B league is having a productive evening setting up his teammates for a bunch of goals, he might skate past the opposing team’s bench and boast, “I’ve been picking apples all night boys! Nice orchard we got here, Eh!?!”

B stands for the Bar Down Beauties…as well as Bookends
If you like teams that are composed of grizzled veterans who have seen it all before, as well as actual All-American track stars, then the Bar Down Beauties are the squad for you.

They sure are beautiful, aren't they?

When the Beauties emerged victorious from their 9-4 blowout of the Canadian Cripplers in the 2014 Final, the fantastic freshmen felt pretty confident that they had just finished the first year of an impending Four-peat. Only, they weren’t even able to REPEAT, and they still haven’t ever clawed their way back into the winner’s circle. Thus, the motto of the Beauties this year is “bookends.” They want to frame the many chapters of their illustrious careers with a gigantic victory on both sides. As lifelong Beauty Kelsey Lewis stated in a press conference last Thursday, “We were the best squad of freshman that this league has ever seen, and we’ve gotta win it all in Twenty-Seventeen.” It’s particularly important to realize that this quote rhymes because if the Bar Down Beauties could start and finish their careers as champions, that would be some poetic justice.

C stands for Canadian Cripplers.
I would prefer to spread the team introductions out more across the article, but all leagues are only as strong as their teams. With that in mind, let’s take a look at the club that has historically been the strongest of them all.

Sick beard Pieter! #facialflow

This team has been the bane of the Beauties for the last two seasons and is looking very dangerous again this year. Team captain and General Manager Chris Soodsma has already won 3 DCIHL championships and if he can win a fourth this year, he will be the first person to ever do so.

After losing a bunch of senior talent last year, Soodsma has made some remarkable moves over the off-season and has this team looking like a bona fide contender once again. “My roster is loaded with youth this year,” remarked Soodsma during a media session last Wednesday, “we are in a transition year but we don't see this as a hindrance.” Newcomers Caleb Koomans, Haley Wilting, Paige Postman, and Erica de Schiffart will have some large shoes to fill. Replacing retired all-stars Kevin Grootenboer, Bernice Winter, and Nicole Postman is much easier said than done. However, with Pieter Gesink returning, this team should be all set between the pipes.

D – Dirty Dangles
For those who aren’t familiar, “dangling” refers to a player’s stickhandling control and finesse with the puck (or ball in this case). The DCIHL players with the dirtiest dangles are, in no particular order, Lucas Koomans, Nathan Struyk, and Caleb Groot. Don’t worry though, because these boys are so fancy with the puck that they usually forget about shooting entirely and most nights their names can’t be found anywhere on the score sheet.

E stands for Enough
As in, “ENOUGH WITH THE DANGLING, MOVE THE PUCK ALREADY!” Seriously, there is just about nothing worse than a self-absorbed, fancy pants, dangler.

F stands for Fish
To answer part of an earlier question about whether or not Caleb Koomans can replace Kevin Grootenboer, one thing is certain: They both have a knack for reeling in the big one. They also like to wear the jerseys of Alberta’s incompetent NHL teams. There may be more similarities between these two than we originally thought…
Yeah, Caleb is probably the coolest of all the Koomans brothers...

G – Garbage Men
Gotta smile at that brotherly love. Also, nice sweater Liz!
If this were merely a hockey slang dictionary we would say G stands for gino (pronounced Gee-No), which is a word that Peewee children use interchangeably with “goal.” ex. “I rifled home a sick top-shelf gino last night!” But seeing as we value the teams in this league more than juvenile vernacular, meet the Garbage Men (and women).

You never really know what you are in for when the Garbage Men take the ice. Chaos is their specialty. Because this is the case, there really isn’t much I can say about them. Heck, they weren’t even a team last year! But they do have lots of strong players that can make a difference. However, captain Levi Minderhoud remarked on Friday morning that the above list of names is subject to change. For that matter, even their name is subject to change to something else...these people are ridiculous.

H – “Has Van Gaalen lost his edge?”  (Many of the top experts would say yes)
Check out the above photos. After winning the championship in 2014, Ross Van Gaalen looked a lot like proven winner Jonathan Toews did after he won it all two summers ago: Pissed off. Those guys hate fun and they hate you too.

However, after falling in the final last year, Van Gaalen looked much more like Joe Thornton, an NHL star who often gets (unfairly) criticized for not being able to win when it matters (See photos below). Just look at their matching dead-eyed stares and try not to feel dead inside yourself.
Kidding - We aren’t actually doing the whole alphabet. Can you imagine how long that would take? I mean, this article is wordy enough already for crying out loud. Ain’t nobody got time for that.

L - Love on the Brain
The hit song by Rihanna in which her "voice is hoarse and ravaged, yet she's also controlled and precise, knowing how to hone these imperfections so her performance echoes classic soul while feeling fresh"- Stephen Thomas Erlewine. I stole that quote directly from Wikipedia, but I would encourage all of you to give the track a listen. It’s dynamite!

M - Minderhoud, Levi

He's Canadian, has a perfect body, and is immune to physical harm...could Levi Minderhoud actually be Wolverine?

After an early retirement following the 2015 season, the "Minder-Hound" has crawled back out of the dog house and is foaming at the mouth as he prepares to re-enter the league. Expect a rabid intensity and a tireless work ethic from this greasy goal-scoring grinder. 

N stands for Nine at Night
The time on Tuesdays when the festivities begin. Make sure you are in attendance. You won’t want to miss a moment.

O - Other Teams
It is important to note that the teams featured in this article are not the only teams in the league. At this time of year, it is tough to know just how many teams will be active. Many do not have a strong media presence. Some may still be signing up (you have til 11 pm tomorrow). This section is dedicated to all the momentarily anonymous teams out there that are not featured in this article but help make the DCIHL great. Other Teams, we salute you. Cheers!

PQRWho cares?

S - Soodsma
Perhaps the most recognizable surname in the league. The two Soodsma brothers are known for their love of hockey and their love of Canada. They also share a close bond that was almost responsible for Thomas signing with the Canadian Cripplers as a free agent this summer. However, team loyalty won out, and Tom rejoined his friends on his old team. What team is that you ask? Just take a look at the next section.

T- Top Cheese Factory
Jamie's hobbies include drinking piña coladas, getting caught in the rain, and taking long walks on the muscle beach.
This team has long been a gouda one, but the flavor is all new this year. While they have always considered themselves to be contenders, everyone else has known them as merely the third best entry in a two horse race. However, they have finally aged to perfection and just might be sharp enough to win it all this time around. This change in status coincides with a change in uniforms. Instead of their original nacho-yellow jerseys, this year they will be clothed in cool bleu hues.
One thing that makes this squad so dangerous is that they get goals from literally everyone on their roster. It is impossible to tell who will strike next, which causes their opponents’ insides to churn. For example, last year their top goal scorer in the playoffs was a walk-on freshman named Hailey Nelson, which was a surprise to everyone to say the least…Surely, the way all the unique members of this team combine to make an even better whole product is nothing less than a modern marble. (I am so sorry)

U- The Uptown Uglies from the Island of Misfit Toys.
Yes, that is their actual team name.
Look, I never said that every team in this league was good.
The presence of a bespectacled Matthew Bolt in the front row should be more than enough evidence for most people to realize that this team’s bark is far worse than its bite. The Uptown Uglies roster consists of current and former track athletes that were rejected, discarded, and ignored by their "friends" on the Beauties and the Factory. They have now formed a crew of their own. Even though these kids play hockey in all the wrong ways, they play for all the right reasons. They want to have fun with friends, and they are successful every night. Last year they were the unanimous winners of the “Nicest-Funnest-Team Award,” which is a fictional trophy given to the team that smiles the most over the course of the season. Party on boys and girls, y’all have beautiful souls! Oh right! The roster! Well, at press time it wasn't yet finalized, so you can get all known details straight from Bolt himself by watching the following video (it might not work for those of you viewing this on a mobile  device. Sorry):

V – The Roman numeral 5
Additionally, the shape geese make when they fly in formation. In related news, it is also not a very effective offense formation for real-life hockey teams, despite what the Mighty Ducks movies would have you believe.
W – The “Double” “U” stands for Win
We’re getting real simple now…

X is for Xylophone

A percussion instrument played with sticks that is capable of producing many individual notes and is loved by both children and adults.

Y is for You
If you have read this far, then I love you. Thanks for your interest, and don’t be discouraged! You only have a little bit more to go!

Z stands for Zero
As in, “What is Zero?” Which is the correct Jeopardy-style response to the Jeopardy-style question, “This is the percent chance that the Uptown Uglies will win the championship.”

Closing Statement

“A year from now we’ll all be gone, all our friends will move away, and they’re going to better places, but our friends will be gone away.”

After graduation we are all going to miss each other. But what will we really be missing? Epic Spring Break trips? Crazy nights of mischievous glory? Legendary feats of youthful vigor? Sure, but also much more. I can almost guarantee you that the majority of time we spend with our friends is not very remarkable. However, these mundane moments still matter. I think when it’s all said and done, most of us will miss the wasted hours the most: Staying up til 2:00 am together watching youtube videos when you really ought to be sleeping, talking way too loud in the John and Louise Hulst Library while chugging mug after mug of that caffeinated mud-water,* or even being the last one to leave the locker room because you love showering with the boys. Wait, what? No one else identifies with that last one? Just me? Whatever…

The point is that none of the above activities would make it onto a highlight reel of your collegiate social endeavors, but they all represent quality time spent with friends. Similarly, intramural hockey may seem rather unremarkable in the grand scheme of things, but in reality it is a matter of utmost importance. This season matters not because it is another chance to chase a championship. This season matters because it is another chance to waste time with the people we love. May friendships grow, may memories be made, and may the great and terrible evil named Chris Soodsma be vanquished once and for all. It’s good to be back, now let’s have some fun. Peace.

*If library management sees this, just know that I actually appreciate the free coffee very much. In all honesty, there is almost nothing that I love more than slamming back a good ol’ Gut Bomb with a bit of cream and sugar. The fact that the coffee tastes awful is really just a blessing in disguise. Many of us live very privileged lives and downing a cup of library joe helps us pretend to be much more hardcore than we really are. Never change Dordt Library, you’re perfect.

Saturday 19 March 2016

2016 Dordt College Intramural Hockey Preview

With Spring Break officially over and exams too far away to be of concern, this campus enters an awkward period of the academic year that leaves many students with the feeling of being in limbo. However, there are so many events scheduled for these final weeks of the semester that no student has any excuse to be bored. NCDC is rapidly approaching, which can always be counted on to be more than satisfactory, and Ag day is getting nearer and nearer as the weather gets nicer and nicer. The large tractors, fuzzy sheep, and bright sunshine are the perfect recipe to ensure that even the most extreme city slicker lets loose a big ol’ “Yee Haw” or two. Combine all this with the Varsity Softball and Baseball seasons getting into swing (pun intended), and the Student Symposium election cycle heating up, and it will be a miracle if any homework gets done at all down the stretch. BUT, as truly wonderful as all the activities mentioned above are, they cannot possibly compare to the high intensity and intrigue that is currently billowing in anticipation for the 2016 Intramural Floor Hockey season.

Below you will find an in depth look-in at each of the teams that experts are expecting to make some noise this season. Let’s start with the defending champions, who are looking to win their third Cup in four years and favored to emerge victorious again this season: the Canadian Cripplers.

1.     The  Canadian Cripplers

Led by superstar captain Chris Soodsma (above left) and an aging Kevin Grootenboer (above right) who is hoping to end his Dordt College Intramural Hockey League (DCIHL) career on a golden note, this team is truly formidable.  Add in 3 time DCIHL all-star defensemen Mitchell Ten Napel, and no team will be happy to see the Canadian Cripplers on their schedule. But the news for their opponents gets even worse for two reasons. Those reasons are Bernice Winter and Nicole Postman, another pair of aging all-stars who possess both a fierce desire to win and the abilities to make their desires a reality, as they have done with this team so many times in the past. In fact, the Cripplers have only lost one game in their three years of existence. These two girls a large reason for that success.

big QUESTION(s):

How will freshman Pieter Gesink fit into this team’s line up? Many feel he is the most talented member of the Blades this season, despite him never playing a minute due to a history of concussions. He has been a key member of championship ice hockey teams in the past, coming up clutch in the biggest moments, but will his skill transfer to dry land?

Who will play goalie? With Joel Kranenburg gone, someone will have to step up between the pipes. Kranenburg is regarded by many to be the best DCIHL goaltender to ever grace the floor, and was single-handedly responsible for the Cripplers most recent championship.

2.     The Bar Down Beauties

Energized, Determined, Obsessive. These are all words that describe the Bar Down Beauties’ approach to the game. They pride themselves on their strong team chemistry and playing with more heart than any other team on campus. But don’t let my focus on team character fool you, their roster boasts some top notch talent. Between the pipes you will find Junior Tanya Thalen, who has more career wins than any other active goaltender. She has been the foundation that the Beauties’ success has been built on over the last two years. On the blueline we see Paul Greidanus, regarded by many to be the most dependable defenseman in the game today. Returning to the team are Kelsey Lewis, Kacia Veldhuisen, and Justine Van Zee. The three girls share a strong friendship as well as an uncanny knack for navigating defenses and providing big goals. As for Lucas Koomans, Andrew Koetsier, Colin Middel, Mark Huitsing, and Ross Van Gaalen? Well, I think their past actions speak way louder than any words I can write. Everyone knows that they make magic happen.

big QUESTION(s):

Can the Beauties overcome the loss of Jordyn Visscher? Jordyn was a key part of the team, logging big minutes on the Beauties’ blue line and scoring goals from great distances. Now a great distance separates her from this team as she is studying off campus in Chicago. However, the acquisitions of freshman prospect Sara Van Wyk and senior free agent Adriana Greidanus will go a long way to alleviate the pain of losing Visscher. “We aren’t expecting any individual to try to step into Jordyn’s shoes,” explained General Manager Ross Van Gaalen in a press conference last Wednesday, “Everyone on this team will continue to step up every night, and we will move forward as a unit.”

Is a certain player having too much fun? Lucas Koomans possesses sheer raw talent that most people can only dream of. But rumors are circulating that some members of the coaching staff are fed up with his non-stop display of dirty dangles, wishing he would get more serious and realize that going forehand to backhand between his legs while sitting behind the net (when no one is even applying serious pressure) will never translate into a goal.

3.     The Top Cheese Factory

With so many high caliber players on this roster, I don’t know where to start. Just know that Tom Soodsma is very much living up to his family name, and will continue to be a star for ages to come. Captain Dylan Bartels has a gift for goals, and Jamie Veldhuisen has a smile that will melt your heart. If a chat with Jamie doesn’t pick you up, you can be sure that the strong arms and tender touch of senior forward Ayden Van Driel will do the trick. And let’s not forget about super siblings Davis and Steph Konynenbelt, who are quite the opposite of slouches.

After making it to the championship last year, the Top Cheese Factory fell short of victory. To make matters worse, no one seemed to give them the respect they felt they deserved. Instead of discussing the final game, all of the headlines the next morning talked about how the “actual” championship game was the semifinal overtime showdown between the Beauties and Cripplers that took place just one hour before. The Factory’s desire to prove their doubters wrong has never been stronger. Thus, the defining characteristic of the Factory is the massive chip on their shoulder, which is a very dangerous thing for their opponents.

big QUESTION(s):

Can the Terrace Trio tough it out? Renee Ewald, Nathan Struyk, and Hannah Veldman all hail from the Northern BC town of Terrace, where the citizens are known for their love of nature. Their familiarity with each other will doubtless be good for team chemistry, but when adversity strikes, will it be hard for them to find a way to send opponents running for the hills when all three would rather be camping in those hills themselves?

Olson: Super Gold or Super Old? Intramural veteran Abigael Olson has won multiple championships in basketball, and is seeking to bring home gold again by winning a hockey championship this year.  She has won so many titles over such a long career, that the rest of the Top Cheese Factory look like children in comparison. The Factory’s front office hopes Olson’s presence will calm the nerves of their inexperienced roster down the stretch, but one has to wonder if the aging Olson has any gas left in the tank as her days here at Dordt are coming to a close.

League Notes:
There are many other teams in the league this season, but our reporters were not able to reach them all. Plenty of talented players occupy roster spots on those teams, which will add intrigue to the season. On a related but very sad note, Levi Minderhoud, the blue-collar grinder with a nose for the net who used to captain the Garbage Men, will not be present. The Garbage Men have since folded, and their players have had to find employment elsewhere. Also worth keeping an eye on, Aaron Ladzinski is said to be assembling a team that he hopes will be able to do some damage.

FINAL WORD: Despite a widespread desire for the DCIHL to have competitive balance among all teams, the top analysts are quietly, reluctantly, yet steadily coming to a consensus that the Bar Down Beauties are the only team that has a chance to dethrone the Canadian Cripplers. As Freshmen, the Beauties shocked the hockey world by going undefeated and crushing the Cripplers in the final 9-4. The next season, they were beaten twice, each time falling in overtime to the hands of Soodsma’s Cripplers. Truly, the most intimate part of these two teams’ identities, the fire at the core of their soul, is their desire to defeat each other. 2014 was about the Beauties being the new kids on the block and constantly winning only because they were too young and naïve to realize they weren’t supposed to. It appeared that there was no stopping them in the years to come. However, the dominant narrative of the 2015 campaign was one of vengeance, with the Cripplers dragging the arrogant Beauties mercilessly down to earth while they themselves rose to victory. Surprisingly, the theme of 2016 for each team feels rooted in mutual respect for the other. Both teams are proven winners who expect to return to the top this season while realizing that nothing can be taken for granted. Both teams had the displeasure of having their crown ripped away by the other. It is no longer the kids versus the Veterans. No longer new tactics versus conventional wisdom. The differences have been melted away and now we see these refined squads as two sides of the same golden coin. Each side needing the other to truly be whole, but each side determined to fight its hardest to be the one that faces upwards when the coin is flipped for the last time.

(At various locations around campus, members of the Top Cheese Factory are currently in uproar after reading the final paragraph, feeling overlooked once again and counted out before the season has begun. Dylan Bartels does a hard eye roll and gives his head a shake. “Take off!” he shouts before slamming his laptop shut in disgust.)